Judge Cheryl Pounds heads up the City of Marble Falls Teen Court, teaching more than just crime and punishment to the teenagers of Marble Falls.
The City of Marble Falls Teen Court teaches valuable lessons to the teenagers of Marble Falls, including public speaking skills, an understanding of our criminal justice system, and lessons in accountability. The program was designed to allow teenagers to take responsibility for certain class C misdemeanor offenses, such as speeding, but without a conviction that could possibly create long term consequences for their driver’s licenses.

Teen Court is comprised of local attorneys acting as mentors, “teen attorneys,” and “teen jurors.” The teen attorneys represent peers that have been found guilty of the offense and teen prosecutors present the case to the teen jury to determine what punishment should be assessed. Marble Falls Municipal Court Judge, Cheryl Pounds, presides over the hearing and Marble Falls Police Department Officers participate as witnesses and as bailiffs.

At the close of the trial, the punishment assessed typically includes community service and mandates that the “defendants” will serve as jurors in later cases. After 90 days of compliance, the case is then dismissed, with no conviction on the student’s driving record.

There are currently 7 mentor attorneys and 40 teenagers participating as volunteers in Teen Court from Marble Falls High School, Faith Academy, and home schooled students.  Many of the defendants have become volunteers for terms that long exceed the sentence assessed. And the participants aren’t just involved in Teen Court; the group also participates in many fund raisers and functions around the community, such as National Night Out, Children’s Day, and Daybreak Rotary Adoption Day.  A big thanks to Judge Cheryl Pounds and her staff who have made this program possible and have made it a growing success!