Local Boy Scout completes his Eagle Scout Project, a major milestone toward becoming an Eagle Scout.
Jack's project was the renovation of the MFHS Band Boosters' storage building which entailed practically a rebuilding of it, adding a fenced area to protect equipment that needed to be moved out of the shed, adding gravel to deal with water issues, adding interior shelves, and painting. Young Mr. Leflet reports spending around 300 hours on the project and he had a number of community volunteers to assist -- whom he had to organize and manage as one of the requirements of an Eagle project.
A community project such as this is one of the last requirements -- following the earning of 21 or more merit badges -- in becoming an Eagle Scout.
Jack is the son of Tony and Yarda Leflet, and the eldest of their two sons. Jack is currently attending Tarleton State. His dad Tony is the Director of Bands for MFISD -- wonder how he came up with the idea for his project?
Well done, Jack. Even as you begin your year at Tarleton, enjoy your upcoming Court of Honor.