Welcome to our new website!
Posted by Guilford Jones
on Dec 05, 2012
Marble Falls Daybreak Rotary is moving to this new website. It should come "alive" during December 2012.
ClubRunner is a database-backed membership communication tool. Accessible by all club members, it allows you to communicate much more effectively, as well as saves you valuable time. Online registrations for events and volunteer activities, automatic email services, and an integrated e-Bulletin, among other features, makes it easy to promote your club's activities.
The website features easy to use content management tools, where you don't need to know HTML or FTP to update it. Accessible by any club member with a browser and Internet connection, it stays current with less effort.
The website features easy to use content management tools, where you don't need to know HTML or FTP to update it. Accessible by any club member with a browser and Internet connection, it stays current with less effort.
-------- boilerplate above -- my comments below -------
All basic member data has been entered but each member needs to log in and update their profile. The profile has several segments and you are encouraged to make it as complete as possible. You will be able to see what is visible to the public, and what is visible only internally.
Some things yet to be done:
- Enter info on some of the better past programs we've had
- Set up the committee structure in the Committees module
- Learn how to use the eBulletin module
- Add content from the past such as history of the club formation and photos from past events
- Converting the URL to daybreakrotary.us (our old site)
There is much more, but those are some of the big steps to accomplish. Come back often and watch it grow.