Water in Kenya
Posted by Gil Jones
on Sep 30, 2014
Abbey Tootle, District 5870 Global Grant Coordinator reported on the Kenya water project.
The Cosmopolitan Austin Rotary, Naivasha Kenya Rotary and others went together in a Rotary District 5870 Global Grant project to build a water system in Ndabibi, Kenya. Marble Falls Daybreak Rotary was one of the participating clubs and this morning we had a fantastic presentation from Abbey about the project, including the trip this summer to see it and to meet with the local club, Kaivasha Kenya Rotary, whom you see in the joint picture here.
A 40-year old well in Ndabibi had failed after attempted repairs collapsed the well-bore and the town was without water for three years. The water project drilled a well to 185 meters, installed a filtration system, laid a pipeline, and now furnishes potable water to the town, its hospital and school, and residents at large. A jerry-can of water costs about $0.02 in USD equivalent.
The total grant was $56,000 which included contributions from the local clubs, Rotary Foundation and District 5870 funds. The dedication of the project can be seen in a YouTube video.