Peggy spoke to us on August 6 and told us all about the Career HS.

Peggy Little, founder and principal of Falls Career High School, was the speaker for the Marble Falls Daybreak Rotary Club on August 6, 2013. Peggy created Falls Career High School, a part of the Marble Falls Independent School District public school system, in 2002 consisting of grades nine through twelve. The school provides special career instruction for qualified students. Each must achieve specific goals. Thirty nine were enrolled last school year. A total of 458 students have received a high school diploma over the past ten graduations.

Marble Falls Daybreak Rotary has "adopted" Falls as a project to bring additional experiences and viewpoints to these students through introduction to vocations and assistance in life skills.

In the photo President Ralph Hendricks is shown passing to Peggy a Rotary coin with the 4-Way test on it. He suggested it be shared as appropriate.