Jail Landscaping Project Finished
Posted by Gil Jones
on Apr 28, 2015
Landscaping of the old city jail was completed on April 28
10 bags of topsoil and 40 bags of mulch later, the project was declared done!
The jail landscaping project was completed on April 28, 2015 with the addition of the mulch seen prominently in the photos. The students were a bit incredulous when Jim McCrocklin and I pulled up with a trailer loaded with 40 bags of mulch and 10-40# bags of topsoil. Jim and I were most grateful for the young backs to handle all of that.
These photos show just some of the students who have participated in the project. On the back far left is Chess Long, faculty member, and on the back far right is Harry Born, a volunteer at the Falls Career High School campus.
(Full size of those photos appear in the photo album. Click here.)