Daybreak Rotary Donates Art Supplies to MFMS
Ralph Hendrix from Daybreak Rotary approached the MFMS art teachers last fall and told the art teachers that the Rotarians would like to make a donation of supplies for art projects for the Middle School’s students. MFMS Art Teacher, Amy Miller, reported that her students were pleased and surprised this week when the new art supplies were delivered to the school by Rotarian Jim Warden.
“We would like to recognize our Rotary Club’s generosity and appreciation of the arts,” said Amy Miller, 7th Grade MFMS Art Teacher. “Because of their donations, we were able to buy some of the supplies we use on a daily basis like markers and color pencils.”
Miller, along with 8th grade Art Teacher, Andrea Olfers, and 6th grade Art Teacher, Stephanie Hatch, were also able to use the donations to stretch their art supply budget to purchase additional art enrichment supplies that help extend students’ learning and appreciation for the arts. The Rotary Club’s donation made it possible for the Middle School Art teachers to acquire supplies so students will be able to try their hand at watercolor, scratchboard, clay, and jewelry projects. These are all projects that the students don’t always have the opportunity to do every year. Rotary International put up half of the donation and the Marble Falls Daybreak Rotary put up the other half.
“We were a pleasantly taken aback by the Rotary Club’s generosity, and of course welcomed their support,” said Amy Miller, 7th grade art teacher. “It’s great to see our community reaching out to the arts, and we just want to say thank you for investing in our students.”