The story starts with a young mother who works through several jobs only to find herself well into her 30's and wondering how to make a difference with her life. Not afraid of tough jobs, she had been a Child Protective Services investigator and then a conservatorship caseworker for CPS. In that position her job was to find a "forever home" for child victims of abuse and neglect.
Then what to do with her life? A mentor had posited to her "where do you see yourself in five years?"
For the meeting on August 24th, Melissa Christian -- a new member of Daybreak Rotary -- was asked to give her "classification" talk. That is a Rotary tradition where a new member tells the club a little more about him or herself.
Melissa  had developed a deep sense of community and a desire to help people via the CPS world, but surely there must be other avenues, she thought. She was now an empty-nester and wondering where she would be in five years.
She had touched the law and it had touched her. Melissa knew that the practice of law could be a lifelong avenue for helping others. From Burnet County where she had grown up, married and had children, she launched herself to Dallas for law school.
While studying the law she satisfied her community service yearning by being a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer. Ultimately she returned to her hometown of Burnet and now practices law in the civil department of the Shell and Shell law firm.
Melissa was attracted to Rotary by its ideal of Service Above Self and as a vehicle to continue to satisfy her passion to help others. We don't know where she will be in five years -- except that she will be a valued member of the Rotary Club of Marble Falls -- Daybreak.
Welcome, Melissa.